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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - to


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~1 1 (used before a verb to show that it is the infinitive, but not before can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, or ought The following senses show the patterns in which to is used.) 2 used after verbs  (He lived to be 90. | I used to live in New York. | He wants to leave. | Let her leave if she wants to. | They allowed the hostages to go. | He told his men to shoot. | He told them not to.) 3 used after how, where, who, whom, whose, which, when, what, or whether  (I know where to go but I don't know how to get there. | She wondered whether or not to go. | She wondered whether to or not. | Would you tell me when to leave?) 4 used after nouns  (an attempt to make a joke | I haven't got the qualifications to apply. | There seemed to be no reason to stay.) 5 after adjectives  (That's very easy to say. | I'm glad to say she's making a good recovery. | We are sorry to announce the cancellation of the flight to Geneva.) 6 used to refer to, or to emphasize a particular v  (`To find' takes a direct object. | It would be best to wear waterproof clothing. | What I really should have done was to say "no" straightaway.) 7 used to show that someone intends to do something  (They left early to catch the train. | She wore a large hat to keep the sun off her head. | I've taken some money out of the bank to buy Christmas presents.) 8 used after too + adjective  (It's too cold to go out. | Jim's too honest to play a trick like that.) 9 used after an adj and enough  (I reckon it's warm enough to wear a T shirt. | It's cold enough to snow.) 10 used to introduce a statement  (To be quite honest, I've never even heard of him. | To put it another way, how are you going to get the cash to pay for it? | To begin with, let's look at Chapter 3.) 11 used after the pattern There is + n  (There were plenty of things to eat. | There's also the cost to consider.) ~2 adv 1 if you push a door to, or something moves a door to, it closes  (The wind blew the door to.) 2 come to if someone comes to, they become awake or conscious after being asleep or unconscious  (John didn't come to for half-an-hour after falling and hitting his head.) ~3 1 in a direction towards  (the road to London | a journey to China | She stood up and walked to the window. | Sam threw the ball to his little sister.) 2 in a direction from a particular person or thing  (Chongqing is about 150 miles to the south of Chengdu. | I was sitting to the left of the President.) 3 in order to be in a particular place or area  (We're hoping to go to Istanbul for our holidays this year. | Don't forget; we're going to Eve's for supper tomorrow night. | I usually go to bed at 11p.m. | "Where's Emily?" "She's gone to the loo.") 4 in order to be in a particular situation, or in a particular physical or mental state  (After two difficult years the company is now on the road to recovery. | She sang the baby to sleep. | The mob stoned her to death. | Wait until the lights change to green.) 5 reaching as far as a particular thing  (The water came right up to our knees.) 6 in a position in which two things are touching  (The paper stuck firmly to the wall. | cheek to cheek)  (They danced cheek to cheek.) 7 facing something or in front of it  (I sat with my back to the engine. | face to face)  (We stood face to face. | back to back)  (The two houses were back to back.) 8 until and including  (She can already count from one to twenty. | They stayed from Friday night to Sunday morning. | It's ten kilometres from here to Angers. | from beginning to end)  (She read the novel from beginning to end. | a nine-to-five job (=a typical job in which you begin work at nine o' clock and finish at five o'clock.)) 9 used to show the person or thing to which actions or words are directed or to whom things belong  (This is a letter to Mildred from George. | Have you told all your news to John? | You have no right to this land. | Will they give you an office to yourself?) 10 used to show the person or thing that is affected by an action  (a danger to your health | She's very kind to animals. | What have you done to the radio? It's not working. | There's always an element of risk to starting up a new business.) 11 working for someone, or being a part of something that is necessary to make it work  (Have you seen the key to the back door? | Rona's secretary to the managing director.) 12 used when comparing two things, numbers etc  (I know he's successful but he's nothing to what he could have been. | England beat Scotland by two goals to one.) 13 used especially after verbs such as `seem', `feel', `sound' to show how things affect, concern, or influence someone  (The whole thing sounds very suspicious to me. | Tickets cost -10 each and to some people that's a lot of money.) 14 according to a particular feeling or attitude  (to your liking/taste etc)  (The decor wasn't really to our liking. | to your advantage (=in a way that will help you or be good for you))  (You could use this information to your advantage. | to your knowledge (=according to what you know))  (Brookner has not to my knowledge written any books since this one.) 15 to your surprise/annoyance/delight in a way that makes you feel a particular emotion  (Much to her surprise she passed the exam with distinction. | To our amazement she climbed on the desk and started removing her clothes.) 16 especially spoken forming something or being one of the separate parts that makes something up  (We're only getting eight francs to the pound at the moment. | There are sixteen ounces to every pound. | there's more to sb/sth than meets the eye (=used to say that a person or situation is more complicated than they seem to be)) 17 used when adding one number to another or when thinking about two facts at the same time  (Add fifty to seventy-five. | In addition to all Ron's other problems his father died yesterday.) 18 used to show that there is a certain amount of time before an event or before a particular time  (Only two weeks to Christmas. | How long is it to dinner? | ten to five/twenty to one etc (=ten minutes, twenty minutes etc before a particular hour)) 19 used between two numbers when you try to guess an exact number  (There must have been between eighteen to twenty thousand people at the concert. | He drowned in 10 to 12 feet of water.) 20 used when saying what the chances of something happening are or giving the odds in betting bet2 (1)  (It's 100-1 he'll lose. | Seagram is running at 11-8.)
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  I. [c red]PREPOSITION AND ADVERB USES Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: In addition to the uses shown below, 'to' is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘see to’ and ‘come to’. It is also used with some verbs that have two objects in order to introduce the second object. 1. You use to when indicating the place that someone or something visits, moves towards, or points at. Two friends and I drove to Florida during college spring break... ...a five-day road and rail journey to Peking... She went to the window and looked out... He pointed to a chair, signalling for her to sit. PREP 2. If you go to an event, you go where it is taking place. We went to a party at the leisure centre... He came to dinner... PREP 3. If something is attached to something larger or fixed to it, the two things are joined together. There was a piece of cloth tied to the dog’s collar... Scrape off all the meat juices stuck to the bottom of the pan. PREP 4. You use to when indicating the position of something. For example, if something is to your left, it is nearer your left side than your right side. Hemingway’s studio is to the right... Atlanta was only an hour’s drive to the north. PREP 5. When you give something to someone, they receive it. He picked up the knife and gave it to me... Firms should be allowed to offer jobs to the long-term unemployed at a lower wage. PREP: v n PREP n 6. You use to to indicate who or what an action or a feeling is directed towards. Marcus has been most unkind to me today... I have had to pay for repairs to the house. PREP: adj/n PREP n 7. You use to with certain nouns and adjectives to show that a following noun is related to them. He is a witty man, and an inspiration to all of us... Marriage is not the answer to everything... PREP: adj/n PREP n 8. If you say something to someone, you want that person to listen and understand what you are saying. I’m going to have to explain to them that I can’t pay...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. preposition  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English to; akin ~ Old High German zuo ~, Latin donec as long as, until  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. — used as a function word ~ indicate movement or an action or condition suggestive of movement ~ward a place, person, or thing reached drove ~ the city went back ~ the original idea went ~ lunch  b. — used as a function word ~ indicate direction a mile ~ the south turned his back ~ the door a tendency ~ silliness  c. — used as a function word ~ indicate contact or proximity applied polish ~ the table put her hand ~ her heart  d.  (1) — used as a function word ~ indicate the place or point that is the far limit 100 miles ~ the nearest ~wn  (2) — used as a function word ~ indicate the limit of extent stripped ~ the waist  e. — used as a function word ~ indicate relative position perpendicular ~ the floor  2.  a. — used as a function word ~ indicate purpose, intention, tendency, result, or end came ~ our aid drink ~ his health  b. — used as a function word ~ indicate the result of an action or a process broken all ~ pieces go ~ seed ~ their surprise, the train left on time  3. — used as a function word ~ indicate position or relation in time: as  a. before five minutes ~ five  b. till from eight ~ five up ~ now  4. — used as a function word ~ indicate addition, attachment, connection, belonging, possession, accompaniment, or response the key ~ the door danced ~ live music comes ~ her call  5. — used as a function word (1) ~ indicate the extent or degree (as of completeness or accuracy) loyal ~ a man generous ~ a fault or the extent and result (as of an action or a condition) beaten ~ death (2) ~ indicate the last or an intermediate point of a series moderate ~ cool temperatures  6.  a. — used as a function word (1) ~ indicate a relation ~ one that serves as a standard inferior ~ her earlier works (2) ~ indicate similarity, correspondence, dissimilarity, or proportion compared him ~ a god  b. — used as a function word ~ indicate...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  before a vowel emphat. prep. & adv. --prep. 1 introducing a noun: a expressing what is reached, approached, or touched (fell to the ground; went to Paris; put her face to the window; five minutes to six). b expressing what is aimed at: often introducing the indirect object of a verb (throw it to me; explained the problem to them). c as far as; up to (went on to the end; have to stay from Tuesday to Friday). d to the extent of (were all drunk to a man; was starved to death). e expressing what is followed (according to instructions; made to order). f expressing what is considered or affected (am used to that; that is nothing to me). g expressing what is caused or produced (turn to stone; tear to shreds). h expressing what is compared (nothing to what it once was; comparable to any other; equal to the occasion; won by three goals to two). i expressing what is increased (add it to mine). j expressing what is involved or composed as specified (there is nothing to it; more to him than meets the eye). k expressing the substance of a debit entry in accounting (to four chairs, sixty pounds). l archaic for; by way of (took her to wife). 2 introducing the infinitive: a as a verbal noun (to get there is the priority). b expressing purpose, consequence, or cause (we eat to live; left him to starve; am sorry to hear that). c as a substitute for to + infinitive (wanted to come but was unable to). --adv. 1 in the normal or required position or condition (come to; heave to). 2 (of a door) in a nearly closed position. Phrases and idioms to and fro 1 backwards and forwards. 2 repeatedly between the same points. Etymology: OE to (adv. & prep.) f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I сокр. от takeoff выделение сигнала звукового сопровождения II сокр. от transfer orbit переходная орбита III сокр. от transistor-outline (package) корпус транзисторного типа, корпус типа ТО ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  нареч. с точностью до - to goods $100 ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. указывает на приведение в нужное состояние или положение, передается глагольными приставками при-, за- to pull the shutters to —- закрыть ставни push the door to —- захлопни дверь the door blew to —- дверь захлопнулась put the horses to —- запряги(те) лошадей 2. указывает на начало действия: за we turned to gladly (with a will) —- мы с воодушевлением взялись за работу they were hungry and fell to —- они были голодны и набросились на еду 3. указывает на приведение в сознание или возвращение сознания he came to —- он пришел в себя to bring smb. to with smelling salts —- привести кого-л. в сознание нюхательной солью 4. указывает на определенное направление his hat is on the wrong side to —- у него неправильно надета шляпа a ship moored head to —- корабль, пришвартованный против ветра to and again —- уст. с одного места на другое; туда и сюда; взад и вперед; из стороны в сторону; в разные стороны; вверх и вниз to and back —- с одного места на другое; туда и сюда; взад и вперед; из стороны в сторону; в разные стороны; вверх и вниз close to —- рядом we were close to when it happened —- мы были рядом, когда это случилось keep her to! —- мор. держи к ветру (команда) 5. в пространственном значении указывает на направление: к, в, на the road to London —- дорога в Лондон the way to glory —- путь к славе a...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  the purpose кстати; к делу TO the view открыто, на виду (of) TO pieces на части, вдребезги TO telegraph office noun телеграфное отделение, телеграфная контора TO  1. prep.  1) указывает на направление; к, в, на; the way to Moscow - дорога в Москву; turn to the right - поверните направо; I am going to the University - я иду в университет; the windows look to the south - окна выходят на юг  2) указывает на предел движения, расстояния, времени, количества; на, до; to climb to the top - взобраться на вершину; (from Saturday) to Monday - (с субботы) до понедельника; he could be anywhere from 40 to 60 - ему можно дать и 40 и 60 лет  3) указывает на высшую степень (точности, аккуратности, качества и т.п.); до, в; to the best advantage - наилучшим образом; в самом выгодном свете; to the minute - минута в минуту; с точностью до минуты  4) указывает на цель действия; на, для; to the rescue - на помощь; to that end - с этой целью  5) указывает на лицо, по отношению к которому или в интересах которого совершается действие; передается дат. падежом: a letter to a friend - письмо другу; a party was thrown to the children - детям устроили праздник  6) передается род. падежом и указывает на отношения:  а) родственные;  б) подчинения по службе; he has been a good father to them - он был им хорошим отцом; secretary to the director - секретарь директора; assistant to...
Англо-русский словарь
  U.S. gov. abbr. Totally Obligated transport. abbr. Transportation Officer mil. abbr. Technical Order mil. abbr. Table of Organization mil. abbr. Totally Obligated Canada province abbr. Toronto Ontario country abbr. Tonga 2-let. lang. abbr. Tonga meteo abbr. Total Outburst electron. abbr. Transistor Outline package account. abbr. Totally Obligated AMEX symbols Tech Ops SEVCON, Inc. chat abbr. Totally Obtuse ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. to "in the direction of, for the purpose of, furthermore," from W.Gmc. *to. In O.E., the preposition (go to town) leveled with the adverb (the door slammed to) except where the adverb retained its stress (tired and hungry too); there it came to be written with -oo (see too). The nearly universal use of to with infinitives (to sleep, to dream, etc.) arose in M.E. out of the O.E. dative use of to, and helped drive out the O.E. inflectional endings (though in this use to itself is a mere sign, without meaning). Commonly used as a prefix in M.E. (to-hear "listen to," etc.), but few of these survive (to-do, together, and time references like today, tonight, tomorrow -- Chaucer also has to-yeere). TOAD - O.E. tadige, tadie, of unknown origin. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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